- E-Commerce Solutions
- Responsive Web Design
- FLASH Design
- Social Media Development
- Corporate Blogs
- Streaming Video
- Customized CMS Solutions

FLASH Design - An Effective Website Tool
Used effectively, Flash can enhance a website in a number of ways. Flash web design is visually stunning and can be used to interact with website visitors. Alternatively, it can also be made functional by providing a platform for creating online or offline presentations and demos. Flash animations make it possible to give your clients an understanding of how a product will look and of its functionality.
Flash banners are an essential part of web advertising. Attractive Flash banners that optimize your brand image and deliver a targeted message.
Our Flash designs and animations are original and customized for each client. It is all too easy to use a Flash template that has been used on hundreds of other websites. We design and create unique Flash files in-house for our clients.
Although Google and other search engines have been making headway on indexing embedded Flash content, there is a long way to go in making search-engine friendly Flash sites.
We are very aware of our clients SEO needs, and design Flash elements using the latest SEO techniques, such as placing text "underneath" the Flash file as long as the text reflects what is written in the Flash file. We use non-vector fonts to optimize Flash content as well as the sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) method to use Flash with SEO.
click here for more information, and/or call us for a free, no obligation phone consultation.